For presenters in oral and poster sessions

ICOCIMS will take place in Parma (Italy), from Nov 7 to Nov 9, 2024, and looks forward to active participation from students, and recently graduated young researchers and doctors, from all over the world. Prospective participants can learn here, and on our FAQs page about the criteria for abstract submission and presenting at the event.

It will be possible to submit your abstract(s) via this form from July 1, 2024 up to September 30, 2024. All applicants will receive a written response for each abstract submitted, on a rolling basis, both in case of acceptance or non-acceptance by mid October.

Each oral session and poster session will have its jury. An award and a certificate for the best presentation of each session will be assigned. In any case, a certificate of attendance (as a presenting participant) will be issued to all presenters.

We will consider abstracts pertinent to all fields of biomedical, and related, sciences.

Criteria for abstract submission

Abstracts submitted must fall under one of the following categories:

    • Original research.
    • Reviews, only the following kinds of reviews (according to Grant and Booth, 2009) will be considered:
      • Critical review,
      • Mapping review,
      • Meta-analysis,
      • Scoping review,
      • Systematic review,
      • Systematic search and review,
      • Umbrella review.
    • Case series.
    • Case reports. Case reports submissions will only be considered for presentation at the poster session.


In case you are uncertain whether your abstract/work fits in any of these categories, whether its contents are within the scope of our event, or for any other doubt, we invite you to write to our team at before submission.


Abstract guidelines:

    • Abstracts must be written in English.
    • Abstracts must be submitted in text boxes via this online form. Submissions will be open July 1-September 30, 2024.
    • Abbreviations must be explained between brackets at their first occurrence.
    • Structure for abstracts:
      • Title.
      • Authors, and the respective affiliation(s), in the format: Laboratory/Department/Unit, Institution, City, [State if U.S.], Country. Please, indicate at least one corresponding author and provide the respective email address.
      • Background.
      • Materials and methods (or, for Case reports: Case presentation).
      • Results.
      • Conclusion(s).
      • References.
    • The maximum number of words in your abstract is 500, everything included except the title, references and table/picture url(s).
    • In case your abstract includes a table or picture, you should upload it to an image sharing/drive storage service and provide a direct link for the table/picture in the body of the abstract.
    • If accepted, you will be asked to provide the Organization with high quality version(s) of the pictures (i.e. 300 dpi) and editable version(s) of the tables used.
    • All research involving human or animal subjects must have been approved by an appropriate Ethics Committee.
    • Any abstracts including identifiable information about patients (especially case reports) must include a separate consent statement by the patient(s) involved, concerning specifically inclusion of their data in the abstract (this is a separate and additional statement to the consent statement regarding inclusion in the study). You can find more information about this requirement by clicking here.
    • All references listed in the References section must be called/cited consecutively in the text using numbers in square brackets.


Our event will be fully in person, the option to deliver your presentation remotely will not be offered this year. Please, find hereby some general rules for your presentation(s).

Oral presentations:

    • Presentations must be given in English.
    • Presentations may take a maximum of 10 minutes, followed by a 5 minute discussion.
    • Presenters will be given instructions on how to provide us their presentations upon acceptance notification.


Poster presentations:

    • Presentations must be given in English.
    • Presentations should take a maximum of 5 minutes, followed by a discussion with the Jury.
    • Presenters will be given instructions on poster design guidelines, printing, and other practical details upon acceptance notification.